
BluePeak Capital LLP (hereafter called “BluePeak”) has implemented a Grievance Mechanism which allows any stakeholder to file a complaint concerning projects financed by BluePeak.

The Grievance Mechanism is part of the wider dialogue with communities and stakeholders and is effectively implemented and maintained as part of BluePeak’s corporate social responsibility.

BluePeak Grievance Mechanism acknowledges all complaints received and keeps the complainants informed all along with the procedure. BluePeak Grievance Mechanism also guarantees the strict confidentiality of information concerning the complainants’ identity.

Complaints are received when they fall in either of these two main categories:

Environmental & Social:

Material adverse effects with respect to environmental and social matters: labor and working conditions, resource efficiency, pollution, etc.

Governance & Business Integrity:

Non-compliance with legal provisions and deviations from good practices with respect to money laundering, fraud, corruption, bribery, etc.

    Your details

    Incident or grievance details